Thursday, 21 February 2013

February contrasts

In England, February often feels like a confusing month; unsure whether it marks the end of winter, the start of spring or is some kind of neutral territory in between.  Despite the snowdrop and crocus spring serving suggestions, chill winds and snow often counteract that impression.
In Zambia, they are much clearer- just summer months.

Having followed January in Zambia (28 degrees, summer, sunny, some rain, everything green and growing) I received the news that my Dad had died on the 31st January so I returned with little warning to England on the 4th February.
So now England (-4 degrees, winter, cloudy, some rain, everything grey and moribund)  A challenge to the system; first the temperature- a rush to charity shops to buy a coat and sweaters, leggings and long sleeved polo neck tops to wear under my other clothes. Yes, hot water bottles, blankets, hot baths were needed to keep the body temperature above hypothermia levels.
I made my way by coach to Somerset, to Bridgwater where I lived pre-Zambia and where my Dad, John, had recently lived and died. Many meetings with family and friends, funeral planning, mostly cheerful as, after the Requiem Mass, the most important item was the big hospitable party. The term 'wake' being out of favour, we celebrated this Geordie lad's resurrection to a new life with a party to gladden his heart: enough to eat for all, an open bar and, stroke of genius, photos of Dad's life at all ages projected on a screen with a selection of his favourite music playing in the background- well done family, especially the geeks!
Time running down now, two weeks nearly done as was my energy at this point.  Back with my brother to his flat near Heathrow to be sure of my return which happened easily and efficiently though mostly in a blur as I by now had a dose of flu, unsurprisingly with the temperature change and stressful time.  
I did see the rather shy emergence of snowdrops and crocuses (crocii?)
I'm glad to report my flu has responded to my prescribed treatment of being in Zambia (28 degrees, summer, sunny, some rain, everything green and growing)


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