Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Staff Christmas Party 1 2 3!

Wednesday before Christmas, no clinic today and home visit programme cancelled for the occasion.  The preparations began soon after 9 hours with a massive deep clean of the clinic area, a pleasant open air area, covered in case of rain or hot sun.  Floors were swept, mopped and polished with 'Cobra red', the benches and tables rearranged, food cooked, tables set, Christmas tree and decorations set the women.
Meanwhile the men had set up the new sound system, tested the microphone (a lot of 'testing, testing, hello, hello, one two three' was heard) and then tested the seating for comfort and conviviality. They also tested the installation of the decorations (visually) and waited for the fun to begin.
Which it did, starting with a prayer led by Eunice which led to some individual carol singing and a bit of dancing before it was decided we needed nourishment to continue.
A splendid lunch ensued in two stages; the first was roast chicken portions and sausages, served with rice or nshima with pumpkin leaves and tomato sauce with a choice of Coke or Fanta.  After this there was much more dancing, followed by dessert, a deliciously sweet combo of iced cake, banoffee pie, icecream and sponge fingers.  
Next, the 'Modelling' competition to choose Ms Hospice, the Princess and Mr Personality.  To enter this grand competition, participants had to take the catwalk and strut their stuff as models, a panel of judges (the seated men) deciding on the awards.
Then the Sister in charge, the hospice manager, gave each member of her team an individual gift for which each had to sing a short song or dance to her.
The party ended with a closing prayer by Jean Pierre and all were exhorted to help restore the clinic to rights for tomorrow's patients.
I haven't seen a bunch of adults take such delight in an alcohol free party (though the breath of some of the younger men smelt a bit suspect) and join in the spirit of the season so uninhibitedly and I don't remember enjoying a party in such a relaxed manner myself since I was a child.

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